Welcome to the Hybrid Devices Group
The focus of our research lies on electronic and optoelectronic devices (based on hybrid material systems as well as organic and hybrid semiconductors), additive and resource-efficient processing such as inkjet printing, in-situ nanostructuring and synthetic methods. Our research can be applied to innovative scientific as well as technological applications in the field of sensor technology, photovoltaics and optoelectronics by the development and combination of novel electroactive materials with tailored structures and new processing methods.
Max Heyl successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Ionic control of 2D semiconductors: from exfoliation to ionically-controlled device functionalities". Congratulations Max!

Erfan Moradi successfully defended his Bachelor thesis entitled  "Eco-Friendly Light Emitting Diode: Device Fabrication and Enhancement". Congratulations Erfan!

Seon-Young Rhim successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Exploring optical devices for neuromorphic applications". Congratulations Seon-Young!

Vincent Schröder successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Inkjet printing of metal-halide perovskite optoelectronic devices". Congratulations Vincent!

Nicolas Fratzscher successfully defended his MSc thesis entitled "Large area inkjet-printed dual-coloured perovskite LEDs". Congratulations Nicolas!

Claas Wieland successfully defended his MSc thesis entitled "Inkjet-printed metal-halide perovskite thin-film field effect transistors". Congratulations Claas!

Our paper on anthracene-based blue OLED emitters has been highlighted in Chemistry Views!

Our paper on strong coupling of monolayer WS2 excitons and surface plasmon
has been highlighted with a Synopsis in Physics Magazine!

Kristin Knebel successfully defended her BSc thesis entitled "Gemischt ionisch elektronische Polymersysteme für Dioden und Transistoranwendungen". Congratulations Kristin!

David Burmeister successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Exploring graphitic carbon nitrides for (opto)electronic applications". Congratulations David!

Mehmet Bayat successfully defended his MSc thesis entitled "Investigating the Effects of Trace Humidity on Back-Contact Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells: A Process Analytical Approach". Congratulations Mehmet!

Our paper on blue cadmium-free and air-fabricated quantum dot light-emitting diodes has been promoted to a Feature Article in AIP Advances.

Michael Hengge successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Development of Electrode and Multilayer Deposition Processes". Congratulations Michael!

Our paper on the morphology and crystallinity of TiO2 grown on carbon nanotubes by atomic layer deposition is among the most downloaded papers of Advanced Materials Interfaces!

Our paper on combinatorial inkjet printing for wavelength-selective photodetectors is among the most downloaded papers of Advanced Engineering Materials!

Jacob Mayer successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Investigation of encircled anthracene emitters for blue organic light-emitting diodes". Congratulations Jacob!

Sabrina Helper successfully defended her Bachelor thesis entitled "Optical and electrical characterization of combinatorially inkjet-printed metal halide perovskite photodetectors". Congratulations Sabrina!

Our paper on plasmonic nanoparticle gratings has been specially chosen by the editorial board members of Applied Physics A as this month’s Editor’s Choice!

Owen C. Ernst successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Betrachtung und Erweiterung der Entnetzungstheorie für die anspruchsvolle Synthese von Energiewandlungsmaterialien". Congratulations Owen!

Anna Lang successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Development of a Measurement Platform Combining an Extended Gate Field Effect Transistor and Surface Plasmon Resonance". Congratulations Anna!

Our paper on inkjet-printed metal halide perovskite LEDs has been specially selected by members of the Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons Community Boards, to feature in a Horizons Community Board collection focussing on optical and photonic materials and devices!

Dennis Geisler successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Nutzung von Bildverarbeitungsverfahren und maschinellem Lernen zur Analyse von Rasterelektronenmikroskopaufnahmen kristalliner Perowskitdünnschichten". Congratulations Dennis!

Mete-Sungur Dalgic successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Arylated polyfluorenes: Spectroscopic investigations and fabrication of light-emitting diodes". Congratulations Mete!

Sarah Grützmacher successfully defended her Master thesis entitled "Towards ambipolar carrier transport in MoS2 monolayers by interfacial doping via patterned self-assembled monolayers". Congratulations Sarah!

Edgar Nandayapa successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Photophysics and inkjet printing of perovskite solar cells". Congratulations Edgar!

Niklas Mutz successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Energy and charge transfer at hybrid interfaces probed by optical spectroscopy". Congratulations Niklas!

Lukas Kinner successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Flexible transparent electrodes for optoelectronic devices". Congratulations Lukas!

Steffen Rühl successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Investigation of aqueous and solid state dielectrics for low voltage MoS2 field effect transistors". Congratulations Steffen!

Our recent paper on flexible spray-coated silver nanowire OLEDs has been highlighted on the cover of physica status solidi rapid research letters!

Our paper on inkjet-printed metal halide perovskite LEDs has been highlighted in a broader article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung on recent developments in perovskite research.

Our recent paper on the gold-mediated exfoliation of MoS2 has been highlighted in a separate article on Advanced Science News!

Our recent paper on inkjet-printed metal halide perovskite LEDs has been highlighted on the cover of Materials Horizons!

This year's Fischer-Nernst Prize of the Department of Chemistry has been awarded to Max Heyl for his Master's thesis work on the exfoliation and polymer-free transfer of TMDC monolayers using template-stripped gold substrates. Many congratulations Max!

Fabian Gärisch successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Fabrication and characterization of resistive memory elements". Congratulations Fabian!

Vincent Schröder successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Light-emitting diodes based on inkjet-printed metal-halide perovskites". Congratulations Vincent!

Nicolas Zorn Morales successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Functionalization of the indium tin oxide interface via self-assembled monolayers for static and dynamic tuning of electronic properties". Congratulations Nicolas!

Vinh Truong successfully defended his bachelor thesis entitled "Modulating retroreflector operating in the visible band by electrical modulation of the localized surface plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles". Congratulations Vinh!

Unsere Forschung an neuen Materialien zur Anwendung in hybriden Bauelementen findet in den Nachrichten der HU Berlin besondere Erwähnung! Der Artikel ist hier abrufbar.

Max Heyl successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Crystal-limited exfoliation and polymer-free transfer of TMDC monolayers enabled by template-stripped gold substrates". Congratulations Max!

Sebastian Pallasch successfully completed his Bachelor project entitled "Towards transistor architectures for large area molybdenum disulfide devices". Congratulations Sebastian!

Our recent paper on the reductive sintering of Cu nanoparticle inks has received a special mention on Advanced Science News!

Andreas Mai successfully completed his Bachelor project entitled "Implementierung eines Standardrezepts für die Herstellung von invertierten organischen Leuchtdioden". Congratulations Andreas!

David Burmeister successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Covalent molecular doping of an organic semiconductor". Congratulations David!

Printing solar cells and organic LEDs - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin form a joint lab and research group “Generative production processes for hybrid components”.

For the second year running, Prof. Emil List-Kratochvil is named as one of Applied Physics Letters' top reviewers as announced in Applied Physics Letters 113 (2018) 019801, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5045648. Congratulations Emil!

A two-day Inkjet-Printing @ HySPRINT introductory workshop was successfully held within our group to cover both theoretical and practical aspects of inkjet printing.

Hien Thu Vu, a Year 12 student at Barnim Gymnasium, won 1st prize at the regional and 2nd prize at the state level of Jugend Forscht in the category Physics, based on her work on dendrimer OLEDs supervised within the Hybrid Devices group.
Congratulations Hien!

Prof. Emil List-Kratochvil gave a lecture as part of the Humboldt-Kinder-Uni on the materials and properties connecting flexible displays, fluorescing fish and red radishes.

Darius Bujarski successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Entwicklung einer vollständig lösungsmittelprozessierten organischen Leuchtdiode". Congratulations Darius!

Prof. Emil List-Kratochvil is named as one of Advanced Optical Materials' top reviewers as announced in Adv.Optical Mater. 6 (2018) 1701288, https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.201701288. Congratulations Emil!

Prof. Emil List-Kratochvil spoke at the OLED Technologies Summit, taking place in Berlin on 23-24 November 2017, on the topic of recent progress in solution-processed OLEDs. Details can be found here.

It was a great pleasure to host Charlotte from year 10 of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium in our group during her three-day work experience!

Prof. Emil List-Kratochvil is named as one of Applied Physics Letters' top reviewers as announced in Applied Physics Letters 111 (2017) 039801, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4991645. Congratulations Emil!

The conference Hybrid Memory Devices and Printed Circuits successfully drew to a close as part of the SPIE Optics and Photonics 2017 in San Diego, California. Excellent invited speakers and contributions ensured high attendance and lively scientific discussion. For the final program see: http://www.spie.org/OPP/conferencedetails/hybrid-printed-memory-and-circuits.

Dr. Sylke Blumstengel successfully completed her habilitation with a public lecture on the subject of Metamaterials. Congratulations Sylke!

Matthias Runge successfully defended his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations Matthias!

Marcel Gawek successfully defended his Master thesis entitled "Untersuchung von ZnO/organischen Grenzflaechen mit in-situ Reflektionsspektroskopie". Congratulations Marcel!

Lukas Kinner reached 2nd place at the Falling Walls Lab Austria with his contribution on transparent electrodes. In the second round he therefore still has the chance to reach the European final in Berlin. Congratulations Lukas!

In the final stages of the PLASMAS project (plasmaseu.eu), a public demonstrator workshop was held as part of the LOPEC trade show on printed electronics in Munich, Germany. Please find here the public flyer, project video and newsletter disseminated as part of the workshop.

David Burmeister successfully defended his Bachelor thesis. The thesis committee consisted of Prof. Emil J. W. List-Kratochvil and Prof. Klaus Rademann. Congratulations David!